Le créateur de jeux de piste en Alsace
Publics: <span>School-Leisure centre</span>

District Petite France

Thanks to this treasure hunt, immerse yourself in the picturesque atmosphere of the Petite France district, where traditional tanners’ houses have stood since the Middle Ages. topics discussed Construction principles of half-timbered houses – Craftsmen emblems (carpenters, surveyors) – Architectural buildings evolution (dates of construction, modification, renovation) – Famous characters…

The historic centre of Strasbourg

This treasure hunt takes you through three districts: the Cathedral with its half-timbered craftsmen’s houses and 16th century town houses – Gutenberg, the economic centre of the medieval city – La Petite France where traditional tanners’ houses are located topics discussed Essential monuments – Architectural styles (half-timbered houses, 16th and…

District Cathedral

In this treasure hunt in the district around Strasbourg cathedral, wander through the narrow streets looking for the half-timbered houses of craftsmen of the time and 16th century town houses topics discussed Chronology of the cathedral construction – Craftsmen emblems (sculptors, architects) – Architectural styles (Palais Rohan, Maison Kammerzell) –…

The European rally

This rally offers a visual discovery of contemporary buildings and the functioning of the European institutions in Strasbourg, the seat of the European Parliament, the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights TOPICS DISCUSSED Principles of operation (Council of Europe, European Parliament, European Court of Human Rights)…